Fortnite Item Shop June 17 2021

Find out all about the Fortnite Item Shop of June 17, 2021. All the featured items and daily items in the Fortnite Item Shop today.

Last Updated on: 17th June 2021, 10:57 am


Fortnite Item Shop June 17, 2021
Fortnite Item Shop June 17, 2021

Fortnite Item Shop June 17, 2021: We have mentioned in our previous articles the theme of the current Fortnite Item Shop for Season 7. We are expecting this season’s theme to be around other dimensional beings and more focused on the alien skins. But, yet again the theme for Fortnite Item Shop June 17, 2021, has taken a spin.

Yesterday we saw the release of the Rebirth Harley Quinn and Harley Quinn’s revenge. As of today, we are also seeing a lot of skins from Chapter 1 Season 8 & 9. Let’s talk about all the skins that are in the item shop today.

Featured Items of Fortnite Item Shop June 17, 2021

Featured Items
Featured items for Fortnite Item Shop Today

The DC legends outfits are still available, including the all-new Rebirth Harley Quinn. Batman Zero, The Flash, Black Manta, Beast Boy, Catwoman Zero are all still available in the Fortnite Item Shop June 17. We are also seeing the return of quite a few skins from Chapters 1 and 2 from previous seasons. So, let’s hop onto each one of the Outfits, Back Blings, Emotes, Pick-axes, and Gliders.

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Outfits & Back Blings

The Harley Quinn Bundle, the Flash Bundle, and most of the DC Skins are still available in the Item Shop today. Moreover, the Harry Kane and Marco Reus outfits are still in the icon series of the Fortnite Item Shop. Know more about yesterday’s Fortnite Item Shop here.

The Brite Bomber(Rare) and the Brite Gunner(Epic) from Chapter 1 Season 3 are back. Adeline(Rare) and her Angular Chic(Rare) back bling from Chapter 2 Season 4 is also available again in the Fortnite Item Shop June 17, 2021. The Gold Chain is another back bling from Chapter 2 Season 2.

The Banner’s Bravest Bundle and Banner’s Boldest Bundle from Vznxx are also in the featured items bundles today for a discount. The Banner Cape(Rare) and the Banner Shield(Rare) are the Back Blings for the day from the Banner Bundle. Besides this the Deathstroke Zero(Rare) Skin is also available to buy.

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Pick-axes and Gliders

From the DC Legends, we have BB’s Beast Bat, Cat’s Claws, Grappling Axe, Harley Hitter, Manta Blades, Punchline, and Speed Force Slashers.

The Cyclo Sticks(Rare) really well-looking Pick-ax, is back with the Adeline Outfit. We have the Brite Blimp(Epic) and the Rainbow Smash(Epic) both from the Sunshine and Rainbows set. These are from way back in Chapter 1 Season 3. The Diamond Eye and Emblematic from the Banner Bundle are back in The Fortnite Item Shop today.

Emotes & Skin Wraps

The Bat Signal, Quick Bite, Whipcrack, and Martial arts Master are all rare emotes featured. The Fishin’ and Poki are the two icon series emotes in the Fortnite Item Shop today.

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Daily Items from the Fortnite Item Shop June 17, 2021

Daily Items for Fortnite Item Shop Today
Daily Items for Fortnite Item Shop Today

The daily items include the Shogun(Legendary) and Catwoman Zero(rare). The Don’t Start Now, Dance Therapy, and, Showstopper is the three emotes for the daily items. Of course, the Bandolette is also the one coming with Shogun.

This is the overall theme for the Fortnite Item Shop today. The outfits, back bling, gliders, pick-axes areas aforementioned.

If you, like others, also want to design your own skin for Fortnite click on this link here.

Nikunj Patel
Nikunj Patel
Nikunj is a young and aspiring writer who is also interested in gaming. He is constantly looking forward to progress further into the field he works for.