Last Updated on: 15th June 2021, 07:12 am

As we already know that the new season brings a ton of new skins. Epic has teased so many things not only in their teasers but also in the two trailers that they released. With this, we can always expect newer Outfits, Pick-axes, Back Blings, and other accessories. As usual, Epic will keep us on our toes and keep amazing us. So, without further ado, let’s hop onto what’s in the Fortnite daily Item Shop today on June 15, 2021.
Featured Items in the Fortnite Item Shop Today:
Finally, we are seeing a change in the theme of the featured items for today after quite a while now. Surprisingly, we see very old Skins after about 5-6 months of their last occurrences. Let’s discuss each one of the Outfits, Pick-axes, skin wraps, gliders, and emotes. If you want to get updated about yesterday’s Fortnite Item shop you can see it here.

We have the Galaxy Pack bundle returned to the game today after about 7 months. The Galaxy Scout has also appeared as a separate skin for 2000 V-bucks, which quite honestly for the Outfit is really good according to us. Also, considering it is a Legendary outfit. Delirium was also seen after about the same period, an epic outfit released in Chapter 2 Season 1, and honestly very few occurrences.
We can also see Grimoire(Epic Skin) from Chapter 2 Season 4 make an appearance again. The Stage Slayer from the Garage band bundle is back as well. So, no brand-new outfits for today in the Item Shop of Fortnite. Do you want to know more about creating a Fortnite account using Accsgen? If so, follow the link above.
Harvesting tools
Stardust Strikers(Epic), one of the players’ favorites has returned to the game. We can also see the return of the Forsaken Strike(Rare) and Spelbound Staff(Rare) from the Arcane Arts bundle. Spiky(Rare) another one of those classic pick-axes that are not so bad either.
Skin Wraps
Further, we see the return of Star Scout and Bubbly Skin wraps from Chapter 2 Season 1 and 3 respectively. The Golden Cloud, Silver Cloud, and Onyx Cloud wraps are back in the game.
By now you can already expect the Gliders to be of the same theme as with the other items. So, to complement the theme we have the Celestia Glider(Rare) and the classic Wasp(Uncommon) from really long back in Chapter 1 Season 1.
You can also see the live Fortnite Item Shop for June 15, 2021, here:
Daily Items in the Fortnite Item Shop June 15, 2021
Power Chord(Legendary outfit) has returned with two variant skins from the Volume 11 set. Marco Reus and Harry Kane are still in the Fortnite Daily Item Shop as the Icon Series outfits. From Chapter 1 Season 6 we can see Mayhem(Rare Outfit) being tossed out again and with very few occurrences as well. This is about it for the Fortnite Item Shop for June 15, 2021. More on Marco Reus and Harry Kane from Epic games right here.

Dizzie’s Domain pack is something that you can purchase now for a cost of just 4$. It is for a Limited Time and comes with 600 V-bucks, a Dizzie outfit, extra round back bling, rebel slice harvesting tool all of which are rare.
Finally, we can update you regularly for new releases whether it be a skin or any other accessory. You can always check our page for the list of daily items for the Fortnite Item shop.