How to Obtain Fortnite Impossible Escape LTM Umbrella and Loading Screen?

The Fortnite Impossible Escape LTM has gone live with two different game modes that are PVE and PVP. This new LTM update of Fortnite is known as "Impossible Escape". Read the full article to get the Escapist Umbrella and Impossible Odds Loading Screen in Fortnite Impossible Escape LTM.

Last Updated on: 19th May 2021, 12:32 pm

Fortnite Impossible Escape
Fortnite Impossible Escape LTM: Escapist Umbrella and Impossible Odds Loading screen

The Fortnite Impossible Escape LTM has gone live with two different game modes that are PVE and PVP. Under these game modes, players will receive an Impossible Escape Umbrella and a Loading Screen too. This new LTM update of Fortnite is known as “Impossible Escape”.

The story of Fortnite Impossible Escape LTM kicks off with you being landing near a coastline with complete loss of your memory. In addition to this, Season 6 is about to end within a few weeks. Also, players are very excited for Season 7 to start.

How to Obtain Fortnite Impossible Escape Umbrella and Loading Screen: Details

When you wake up near the seashore with no memory, you have to perform a task. Under this task, you have to collect ammo and weapons before the day finishes. In addition to this, you also have to collect the parts of your crashed helicopter. Then you have to use all these things to repair your helicopter.

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Moreover, as said before, there are two modes of LTM. In PVP mode, the other players can harm and destroy you. So, you must be vigilant during this mode. Whereas in PVE mode, you don’t have to worry as players can’t hurt each other.

The Impossible Escape LTM PVP mode offers an umbrella to the users. On the other hand, the PVE mode gives the loading screen as a prize to the players.

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How to Obtain Fortnite Impossible Escape Umbrella: Guide

The Impossible Escape LTM PVP mode comes with an umbrella as the reward. Players have to complete a task to get the Escape Umbrella. All you have to do is collect all the damaged parts of the helicopter. Then you have to repair and ensemble these parts back to the helicopter.

You need to be quick in this task. It is because if anyone else does it before you. Then, you will get the escape umbrella. In addition to this, the in-game description of this Umbrella reads as “You’ve earned this flight.”

To easily get the parts of chopper you can visit Guardian Tower. Here you have to talk to the NPC. He will explain to you the all locations to find the parts of the helicopter.

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How to Obtain Fortnite Impossible Escape Loading Screen: Guide

The reward in Impossible Escape LTM PVE mode is Loading Screen. However, to get the PVE loading screen, players need to perform another challenge. Under this, players have to manage to flee from the Apollo land of  Impossible Escape PVE mode.

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Maninder Beniwal
Maninder Beniwal
Maninder, a guest writer on MoroEsports, is contributing to Mobile Esports and sharpening her skills in writing.