Level 4 Mushroom in Free Fire Bermuda Map

Level 4 mushrooms heal better than level 1 mushrooms. This article provides you with all level 4 mushroom locations in Free Fire and How you can get them.

Last Updated on: 8th May 2021, 04:22 pm

 Level 4 Mushroom Free Fire
Mushroom Hunt!

Level 4 Mushroom Locations in Free Fire: Free Fire is a thrilling game where players have to defeat the enemies. The players in the game go through damage through explosions, shooting, falling, and much more. Thus, they require healing from which players can recover HP. There are many methods to heal HP such as using first-aid kits eating mushrooms.

Many times players can’t loot the first-aid kit. Therefore, in that case, they can eat mushrooms to heal themselves when they are suffering from big damage. There are many types of mushrooms ranging from level 1 to level 4 in Free Fire. A higher level mushroom is more effective in healing.

That’s why level 4 mushrooms heal better than level 1 mushrooms. This article provides you with all level 4 mushroom locations in Free Fire and how you can get them.

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Level 4 Mushroom in Free Fire

Level 4 mushroom is the highest level of mushroom in Free Fire. It heals the player from damage caused by different sources. This helps them to convert EP to an HP every second. This, level 4 mushrooms restore 200 EP for players. Also, it is a combination of two big red mushrooms.

Level 4 Mushroom Locations in Free Fire:

 Level 4 Mushroom Free Fire
Free Fire

Players can easily find level 4 mushrooms on the Bermuda map in Free Fire. Following are the places to get level 4 mushrooms on the map.


Players can easily find level 4 mushrooms in Bullseye. The place lies in front of the main hall in the center of this factory. You will easily locate big mushrooms near the fence.

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Players can easily locate red big mushrooms on the grass directly after the factory building. This is a very high-risk place. Anytime you may come across enemies on the rooftop of the factory.

Bimasakti Tower

The clock tower is the location to get Free Fire level 4 mushrooms in this area. The mushrooms are grown on the open grassland. Thus, it will be better to cover yourself with gloo wall when picking up the mushroom.

From Shipyard to Mill

The shipyard is another location to pick up mushrooms. Also, you can collect the red big mushrooms, in the small woods on the right of this Mill.

How to get Level 4 Mushrooms in Free Fire?

How to get Level 4 Mushrooms
How to get Level 4 Mushrooms?

1.Reach the Mushroom Location fast by driving a car

Drive the car to reach the mushroom location and immediately run away after picking up the mushrooms. It is a very safe method to get mushrooms. Otherwise, you can be killed by the enemies.

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2.Get a companion to collect mushroom quickly

Players can take pet Shiba as a companion. Its special skills will help you to get level 4 mushrooms quickly.

3.Loot safely using covers

Players should cover themselves with gloo walls while they eat mushrooms. The gloo wall will protect you from the headshots. Thus, you need to be very careful otherwise you can be an eating target for the enemies.

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Kalpana Nagpal
Kalpana Nagpal
Kalpana is doing a Masters in Chemistry. Passionate about dance, she loves to live like a free bird.