Fortnite Week 7 Raptor Challenge asks the players to locate and hunt two raptors. Raptors are the newest creatures on the land of Fortnite. They are highly powerful and furious too. In addition to this, raptors are widespread on the Fortnite map. It is not hard to locate them. This article will contain all the details needed to complete the Fortnite Raptor Challenge.
But they are very fast and can also deal with huge damage easily. So, due to these reasons, the overall task gets hard. Moreover, we have prepared an easy guide to help you out.
Fortnite Challenge: All Locations Easy-guide to Find Raptors

Raptors are spread all across the map. But you can easily get two raptors at a single location only. Follow the below given for their locations in Fortnite Week 7 Raptor Challenge.
- Stealthy Stronghold
There are two raptors at Stealthy Stronghold. So, you can easily complete the challenge here only. Stealthy Stronghold is a forest location.
- Catty Corner
In Catty Corner also there are two raptors present. Catty Corner is present on the southeast side and in the mountains of Lazy Lake.
- Boney Burbs
Players can get some raptors in the middle of Boney Burbs in Fortnite.
- Weeping Woods
Weeping Woods consists of three raptors. Weeping Woods is present in the southwest of The Spire.
Week 7 Challenge of Fortnite: How to Hunt Raptors?

As said before raptors are very fast and powerful. This is because they are tough to catch and defeat. But some tips can help the players get them easily.
Follow the below-given guide for the easy hunt of raptors:
- Tip No 1: It is easy to defeat the raptors with the help of fire. Make sure you have a proper amount of fireworks with yourself. Also, when you use the fire keep a distance from it. The continuous use of fire on the raptors can make the whole task very easy and fast.
- Tip No 2: Players can also use weapons to get the raptors down. There are various weapons in Fortnite which you can use. But out of all assault rifles and SMGs are best to use when you are engaged in a fight with raptors.
- Tip No-3: Never dare to enter in close-range combat with raptors. Always try to stay at a distance. They can easily knock you off when you are nearby them.
- Tip No 4: As you have to stay away from them. So, you might be confused about the item you can use to kill them. Apart from SMGs and rifles you can also the explosive bows. You can easily deal with raptors from a distance if you use a bow.
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