Where to find Fishstick and his date at a fancy restaurant: Fortnite Season 5 Week 11 Challenges

Fortnite Season 5 Week 11

Fortnite Season 5 Week 11 challenges consist of delighting Valentineโ€™s theme. Out of all the challenges, serving fishstick and his date at a fancy restaurant is the most interesting. To find fishstick, his date players should be ready to deal with Crossbow damage.

Players must possess sufficient fishes with themselves to get a table at any restaurant. There is no compulsion related to the restaurant. You can complete the challenge in any of the restaurants.

The plus point of this challenge is you require only one restaurant. Some of the famous restaurants of Fortnite are Durr Burger, Craggy Cliff, and Pizza Pit. There are many more restaurants, but these three restaurants are easy to track.

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Fortnite Season 5 Week 11 Challenges: Fancy restaurant to serve fish stick and his date

Each restaurant will have a fancy table with a white cloth on it. Players need to find this table and then quickly press the action button. You can also spot fish stickโ€™s date sitting on the table.

  1. Craggy Cliffs

Craggy Cliff is one the most accessible place to find a meal for fishstick and his date. The restaurant has a fancy table at the back. This restaurant is near the ocean.

  1. Pizza Pit

The second restaurant is Pizza Pit. It is in the middle of Orchard Farm Market. Players can easily spot the table for fish sticks and his date outside the restaurant.

  1. Durr Burger
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Players first need to find the top right corner of the Durr Burger. This is the best place to get a table to serve fishstick and his date.

Players can easily spot these restaurants on the map. Players should have a good number of fishes. After finding a table, you need to interact with him to complete Fortnite Season 5 Week 11 challenges.

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Maninder Beniwal
Maninder Beniwal
Maninder, a guest writer on MoroEsports, is contributing to Mobile Esports and sharpening her skills in writing.