Fortnite Teen Titans Cup Details

To unlock the new skin Beast Boy in Fortnite, one should participate in the Teen Titan's Tournament.

Last Updated on: 13th May 2021, 02:18 pm

Fortnite Teen Titans Cup Details
Fortnite Teen Titans Cup

Fortnite will bring a Teen Titan Cup tournament to where players can stand a chance to win the new skin Beast Boy. Beast Boy is a DC Comics character, and will be launched on the game on 13th May. So, let’s see the Fortnite Teen Titan cup details and its rewards.

What is Fortnite Teen Titan Cup?

Beast Boy Skin in Fortnite
Beast Boy Skin in Fortnite

A new character Beast Boy is going to be added to the game along with his better half Raven, who was previously added during season six as a battle pass skin. Once again, It will be a real joy for Teen Titan fans to watch both the characters in the game at the same time.

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The cost of purchasing the skin will be huge as it is very much in demand. Therefore, there is another option to unlock the skin for free. Players will have to participate in the tournament called Teen Titan Cup.

The tournament started on 12th May where a pair of duo just like Raven and Beast Boy can participate. The news was shared on Twitter, revealing that those who have participated will also be rewarded with a BBRae Loading Screen, which commemorates the two lovebirds with artwork from Teen Titans artist Gabriel Picolo.

To unlock a reward a minimum of 8 points is required. The highest reward will be the Beast Boy skin and Couch Titan Back Bling.

What is Beast Boy Skin?

Epic Games made the huge announcement that Beast Boy is coming into the game and players can unlock them. The Teen Titan is coming on 13th May where he will join Raven who was added in the battle pass of season six.

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Beast Boy is also known as Garfield Logan, comes with a cool emote. The character will turn into a Gorilla which is quite exciting to look at. Additionally, he’ll also come in two outfits: the classic Teen Titan costume and his casual look with a hoodie and jeans.

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Pritam Priyedarshi
Pritam Priyedarshi
Pritam is an esports enthusiast who pens down things happening in the world of gaming. He is currently writing for moroesports.